Image Settings

Navigate to WP admin  Media

When you upload an image, you’ll see a number of options to the right side of the media uploader. We’ll walk through what each of these options controls.

Attachment Details

At the top, you’ll see some information about your image: the image file name and type, the date the image was uploaded, and the image dimensions.

URL, which is the full direct link to where the image is stored on your site. This cannot be changed.

Title, the title of the image that appears on the attachment page.

Caption, where you can enter a caption to display below your image.

The  Alt Text field controls what text replaces the image in case of slow-loading sites, or for readers using screenreaders and other assistive technology.

Description is an optional description of the image that will display on the image’s attachment page (if you choose for the image to be linked to its attachment page).

At the bottom left, you’ll see a  Delete Permanently link in case you would like to delete the image.

Within Posts

You can also edit an already-uploaded image directly from the visual editor of a post or page. To do this click on an image in the Visual Editor. You’ll see a popup appear where you can edit the alignment, the size, and the caption, or remove the image from the post or page.

Alignment lets you choose for your image to be left- or right-aligned, with your text wrapping around it, or center-aligned with the text breaking above and below it. You can also choose ‘None.’