Register Dribbble App and add it to Arqam counter

Register a new Dribbble App

Step 1 Navigate to Dribbble Register Application page .

Step 2 Fill in the App fields

Step 3 After creating the app, you will go to the page that contains the dribble access token and secret

Step 4 Copy the Client Secret and Client Access Token

Enable Dribbble counter in Arqam social counter widget

Arqam WordPress Social Counter Plugin grabs the latest counts of your Fans/Followers etc. from your Favorite Social Networks and then displays them on your site. It is the perfect solution to encourage more users to join your network.

Arqam Lite Wordpress Social Counter is the lite version from Arqam and comes with Jannah Theme by default. If you don't install it yet, you'll find it in WP admin → Jannah → Plugins.

Step 1 Make sure you install Arqam or Arqam Lite.

Step 2 Navigate to WP admin → Arqam Lite → Dribbble box.

In the Access Token Key field, paste the Access Token Key that you copied before from Step 3 above.