Secondary Nav Settings

Secondary Nav Anatomy

Secondary Nav Settings

  1. Enable - enable/disable the whole secondary nav.
  2. Dark Skin - convert the secondary nav into the dark skin.
  3. Boxed Layout - change between boxed and wide layouts.
  4. Below the Header - move the secondary nav below of the header instead of its normal position.
  5. Today's date - display/hide Today's date, if okay, the Today's date format text field will appear, this field let you determine the date format as you want, for more info check this article.
  6. Secondary nav main components, Left/Right Areas.

  • The Components and Breaking News Items have its own options, so if each of theme is active, its options box will be displayed below. 
  • The Breaking News is always displayed in the Left area in LTR Languages and in the Right area in RTL Languages. 
  • You can't duplicate the same component in both left and right areas. 

Secondary Nav Components

If the Components item has been selected in left or right areas above, its options box will be displayed as the image below

  1. Search - enable/disable search component.
    • Live Search - enable/disable live search results.
    • Search Layout - change between the search bar and compact search button layouts.
    • Type To Search - When you click on any character key on the keyboard, the search overlay box will appear. Based on compact search layout.
  2. Slide Sidebar - enable/disable slide sidebar button, this button will open/close the hidden sidebar area.
  3. Log in - enable/disable log in button, this button will open/close the login popup module.
  4. Random Article button - enable/disable random article button.
  5. Shopping Cart - enable/disable shopping cart button.
  6. BuddyPress Notifications - enable/disable BuddyPress Notifications button.
  7. Social Icons - enable/disable social icons menu, you can display the social icons menu in three different layouts:
    • Default - all social icons beside each other in the main nav.

    • Menu With Names.

    • Grid Menu.

  8. Weather - enable/disable the weather part in the top nav.
    1. ِEnter the Location: To find your location use the following link. You can use “city name” or “city name, country code” (Ex: London, UK).
    2. Custom City Name: if you want you can set a custom name for the location in your language.
    3. Enter your API key, to get it:
      1. Login to your OpenWeatherMap account, or create an account if you don't have one.
      2. Navigate to the API keys page.
      3. Copy the API key, or create a new one if you don't have one yet.
    4. Choose the Unit: Celsius or Fahrenheit.
    5. Animated Icons: enable/disable the animations effects on the icons.

Breaking News

  1. Title - The breaking news title (the word in red background in the first image in this article)
  2. Animations Effect - Choose from six available animations:
    1. Typing
    2. Fading
    3. Sliding Left
    4. Sliding Right
    5. Sliding Up
    6. Sliding Down
  3. Show the scrolling arrows? - show/hide breaking news arrows controls.
  4. Query Type - Display news based on categories, tags, or custom text.
  5. Categories - if you select Categories from the previous option, the categories drop-down will be displayed, and if choose Tags, the tags text field will be displayed instead.
  6. Number of Posts to show.

Breaking News with Custom Text

Instead of choosing Categories or Tags as a query type, you can choose Custom Text as the following image

  1. The custom text of the item.
  2. The link of the item.
  3. Click on Add button to add the item.
  4. You can remove the item by clicking on this remove icon.