Main Nav Settings

  1. Enable - enable/disable the main nav.
  2. Dark Skin - convert the main nav into the dark skin.
  3. Boxed Layout - change between boxed and wide layouts.
  4. Above the Header - move the main nav above of the header instead of its normal position.

Mian Nav Components

  1. Search - enable/disable search component.
    • Live Search - enable/disable live search results.
    • Search Layout - change between the search bar and compact search button layouts.
    • Type To Search - When you click on any character key on the keyboard, the search overlay box will appear. Based on compact search layout.
  2. Slide Sidebar - enable/disable slide sidebar button, this button will open/close the hidden sidebar area.
  3. Log in - enable/disable log in button, this button will open/close the login popup module.
  4. Random Article button - enable/disable random article button.
  5. Shopping Cart - enable/disable shopping cart button.
  6. BuddyPress Notifications - enable/disable BuddyPress Notifications button.
  7. Social Icons - enable/disable social icons menu, you can display the social icons menu in three different layouts:
    • Default - all social icons beside each other in the main nav.
    • Menu With Names.

    • Grid Menu.

  8. Weather - enable/disable the weather part in the top nav.
    1. ِEnter the Location: To find your location use the following link. You can use “city name” or “city name, country code” (Ex: London, UK).
    2. Custom City Name: if you want you can set a custom name for the location in your language.
    3. Enter your API key, to get it:
      • Login to your OpenWeatherMap account, or create an account if you don't have one.
      • Navigate to the API keys page.
      • Copy the API key, or create a new one if you don't have one yet.
    4. Choose the Unit: Celsius or Fahrenheit.
    5. Animated Icons: enable/disable the animations effects on the icons.

The Sticky Menu Feature will let you sticky the main nav at the top of the window when you scroll.

  1. Enable - enable/disable sticky main nav.
  2. Sticky Menu Behavior:
    • Default - always stikcy main nav.
    • When the Scrolling upwards - sticky the main nav just when the scrolling upwards.
  3. Sticky Menu Logo - Also sticky the logo when the sticky menu is active, after checking this option in, Its options will appear below.
  4. Custom Sticky Menu Logo - if this option is disabled, the site normal logo will be used again as a sticky logo in the sticky nav. If it's enabled, you should upload the new sticky logo by the options that appeared below.
  5. Logo Image & Logo Image (Retina Version @2x) - Put the URL for a new logo or upload a new one for the normal and retina screens.