Display Most Viewed Posts published after a certain date

By default, the theme shows the most viewed posts all the time, but If you have an older site with many posts that may show posts from years ago.

If you want to force the site to show only the most viewed posts that have been published after a certain date. add this code to your child theme’s  functions.php file or via a plugin that allows custom functions to be added, such as the  Code snippets plugin. Avoid adding custom code directly to your parent theme’s  functions.php file, as this will be wiped entirely when you update the theme.

 * Display Most Viewed Posts published after a certain date
add_filter( 'TieLabs/Query/args', 'custom_block_query_args' );
function custom_block_query_args( $args ){

	if( ! empty( $args['meta_key'] ) && $args['meta_key'] == apply_filters( 'TieLabs/views_meta_field', 'tie_views' ) ){
		$args['date_query'] = array(
			'after' => array(
				'year'     => '2015',
				'month' => '01',
				'day'      => '25',

	return $args;

Use the fowling code to display the most viewed Posts published after in the past month

 * Display Most Viewed Posts published in the past month
add_filter( 'TieLabs/Query/args', 'custom_block_query_args_2' );
function custom_block_query_args_2( $args ){

	if( ! empty( $args['meta_key'] ) && $args['meta_key'] == apply_filters( 'TieLabs/views_meta_field', 'tie_views' ) ){
		$args['date_query'] = array(
				 'column' => 'post_date_gmt',
				 'after'  => '1 month ago',

	return $args;

Change the year, month, and day values with the date you want.