Footer Settings
Jannah’s versatile and flexible footer can be customized in various ways. The footer option allows you to insert widgets, Instagram area, social icons, copyright text, shortcodes and more.
1. Setting Up the Instagram Footer Area
- Enable - enable/disable Instagram Footer Area.
- Media Source - Display Instagram images by User Account or Hash Tag.
- Enter Username or the Hash Tag based on the above options step 3.
- The number of rows - One or Two.
- Linke Media to - Media file or Media page on Instagram.
- Follow Us Button enable/disable follow us button.
- Follow Us Button Text & URL - if the follow us button is enabled.
2. How To Add Widgets To The Footer
The main portion of the Jannah footer is a widgetized section that can display widgets in 1- 4 columns. Widgets add various content or features to your site. They can be added, removed, and rearranged in the Appearance > Widgets tab on your WordPress admin panel.
- First, make sure that you’ve enabled footer widgets on your site. Switch the First Footer Widgets Area option to On.
- Choose the Widgets area columns layout.
- If you want an extra widgets area with a different layout, switch the Second Footer Widgets Area option to On.
- Navigate to Appearance > Widgets to access the widgets and footer widget sections.
- You will see the First Footer - X Column section on the right-hand side for each footer column in the First Footer Widgets Area and Second Footer - X Column for each footer column in the Second Footer Widgets Area.
- On the left-hand side are your widgets, simply drag and drop the widgets you want from the left side into the Footer Widget sections on the right side.
3. Copyright area
This lower part of the footer can be used to accommodate simple footer content, such as a copyright text, custom text, menu, and/or social buttons.
These are the theme options for the Copyright area:
- Centered Layout - Turn this option on to center all contents in the footer copyright area.
- Social Icons - Turn this option on to have the social icons in the footer copyright area.
- Footer Menu - Turn this option on to have a menu in the footer copyright area. you can set this menu from Appearance > Menus.
- Footer Text One and Two - Use these options to add custom text in the footer copyright area such as the copyright text, you can use these variables to add dynamic contents:
Replaced with the current year.
Replaced with The site's name.
Replaced with The site's URL.
4. Back to top button
This option allows you to specify if you want a scroll up button to appear after the page has been scrolled a certain amount.
The button will display with the site brand color.