General Settings

  1. Time Format - manage the time format all over the site, you can choose from the three available values:
    • Traditional E.g. June 11, 2017.
    • Time Ago Format E.g. 1 week ago.
    • Disable all to hide the time from all pages.
  2. Show the date depending on: show the post date depending on published or modified date.
  3. Breadcrumb: Breadcrumb navigation is a term used to describe a hierarchical navigation menu presented as a trail of links.It is often used as a secondary navigation that allows users to go up and down in the hierarchy of links.

    The purpose of breadcrumb navigation is to help users navigate around a website. It helps users understand where they are on a site. It also helps search engines understand the hierarchy of links on a web page.

  4. Trim Text Settings - Trim the excerpt/title text at all the site by words or characters.
  5. Post format icon on hover - If this option is enabled, the post format icon will appear above the posts images on hover as the left side of the following image. If none, the opacity of images will change on hover as the right side of the following image.

  6. Custom Codes
    • Header Code - Will add to the < head > tag. Useful if you need to add additional codes such as CSS or JS.
    • Footer Code - Will add to the footer before the closing < / body > tag. Useful if you need to add Javascript.