Single Post Page

M ost of these options are the default values of post components i.e. you can change each of these from post edit page > Jannah Settings Box for each individual post.

1. Default Posts Layout

Controls the default post layout, you can choose one from the available eight layouts, You can take a quick view about each of this here:

  1. Post Layout #1
  2. Post Layout #2
  3. Post Layout #3
  4. Post Layout #4
  5. Post Layout #5
  6. Post Layout #6
  7. Post Layout #7
  8. Post Layout #8

2. Structure Data

Structured data refers to kinds of data with a high level of organization, such as information in a relational database. When information is highly structured and predictable, search engines can more easily organize and display it in creative ways.

Check this article for more Information.

How to set up the Structure Data settings

  1. Turn the Enable option on. 
  2. Choose the Default Schema type for your articles.

3. General Settings

  1. Standard Post Format: Show the featured image - Jannah offers 6 post formats, the standard post format is one of these, when you choose it, the Show the featured image option will appear, the default value of this option is what you predefined in Jannah Theme Options.

  2. Image Post Format: Uncropped featured image - when you choose Image Post Format, two options will appear below of it. The first is Uncropped featured image, the default value of this option predefined in Jannah Theme Options.

  3. Image Post Format: Featured image lightbox - the second option below of the image post format in the previous image is the default value of Featured image lightbox.
  4. Video Post Format: Sticky the Featured Video - Enable/Disable the sticky featured video in the article single page. If the page in Sidebar Layout (has sidebar), the sticky video will be located at the top of the sidebar. If the page in Fullwidth Layout, the sticky video will be located at the left bottom corner of the window.
  5. Open Graph meta - The Open Graph Protocol is a series of meta tags added to your web page to allow it to become a rich object, used by social media platforms. In practical terms, this means you can use basic HTML tags to add key information about your posts, which social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ use to enhance how links to your site are displayed. for more info.

    NOTE: If the Open Graph module is enabled by a third party plugin such as Yoast Seo or JetPack plugin this option will be disabled automatically to avoid any meta code duplication.
  6. Default Open Graph Image - to specify what image you want Facebook to use when your page is shared
  7. Reading Position Indicator - enable/disable the reading position indicator at the bottom of the post page.
  8. Post Author Box - enable/disable the post author box at bottom of post content.
  9. Next/Prev posts - enable/disable the Next/Prev posts box at the bottom of post content.
  10. In Post Responsive Tables - Disable this option if you use a custom responsive tables plugin.

4. Post info Settings

  1. Categories - enable/disable post categories above of post title.
  2. Tags - enable/disable post Tags below of post content.
  3. Post Meta Area - enable/disable post meta area below of post title.
    1. Author - enable/disable author data.
      1. Author's Avatar - enable/disable author avatar.
      2. Twitter Icon - enable/disable author twitter account icon.
      3. Email Icon - enable/disable author email icon.
    2. Date - enable/disable post date.
    3. Comments - enable/disable post comments.
    4. Views - enable/disable post views number.
    5. Estimated reading time - enable/disable estimated reading time.

5. Newsletter

  1. Newsletter - enable/disable newsletter box below of post content.
  2. Text above the Email input field - Supports Text, HTML, and Shortcodes.
  3. MailChimp Form Action URL
  4. or Feedburner ID

  1. Related Posts - enable/disable related posts box below of post content.
  2. Related Posts Position - you can display the related posts box in multiple positions, below of the post or below the post comments or above the footer in full-width mode.
  3. Number of posts to show - in the two-column layout, it's appropriate to display 3 or it's multiples.
  4. Number of posts to show in Full-width pages - in full-width layout, it's appropriate to display 4 or it's multiples.
  5. Query Type - what posts you want to display:
    • Posts in the same Categorie.
    • Posts in the same Tags.
    • Posts by the same Author.
  6. Sort Order - sort posts by:
    • Recent Posts.
    • Random Posts.
    • Last Modified Posts.
    • Most Commented Posts.
    • Most Viewed Posts.
    • Best Reviewed Posts.
  7. Title Length - the posts title length.

It's a good experience to encourage the visitor to spend more time in your site, you already have a good content. So, you can display some of the posts that the visitor may like to read next.

  1. Read Next Slider: enable/disable the read next slider.
  2. Read Next Style: Choose one of the two available layouts.
  3. Number of Posts to show.
  4. Query Type - what posts you want to display:
    • Posts in the same Categorie.
    • Posts in the same Tags.
    • Posts by the same Author.
  5. Sort Order - sort posts by:
    • Recent Posts.
    • Random Posts.
    • Last Modified Posts.
    • Most Commented Posts.
    • Most Viewed Posts.
    • Best Reviewed Posts.

Fly Check Also Box

The Fly Check Also Box displayed at the bottom right/left corner when the scrollbar reaches the bottom of the post content.

  1. Check Also - enable/disable the fly check also box.
  2. Number of Posts to show - if the number of posts is 1, the post will be displayed with a large thumbnail, if more than 1, the posts will be displayed with small thumbnails.

  3. Check Also Box Position - right or left.
  4. Query Type - what post you want to display:
    • Post in the same Categorie.
    • Post in the same Tag.
    • Post by the same Author.
  5. Sort Order - sort by:
    • Recent Posts.
    • Random Posts.
    • Last Modified Posts.
    • Most Commented Posts.
    • Most Viewed Posts.
    • Best Reviewed Posts.
  6. Title Length - the post title length.