Share Buttons
1. General Settings
- Share Buttons for Pages - enable/disable share buttons for pages.
- Use the post's Short Link - enable/disable post's short link.
- Twitter Username (optional) - will be embedded in the post title e.g. @tielabs.
2. Above Post Share Buttons
Above post share buttons appears before the post content.
- Above Post Share Buttons - enable/disable above post share buttons.
- Center the buttons - center aligns all buttons.
- Show the share title - enable/disable share title.
- Share Buttons Style - Jannah offers four different styles:
- Facebook - enable/disable facbook share icon. and all accounts below as it.
- Whats App - enable/disable whats app, Just on mobile.
- Email - enable/disable email share icon, for send post link by email.
- Print - enable/disable print icon.
3. Below Post Share Buttons
Below post share buttons appear after the post content.
The above and below post share buttons settings are like each other.
4. Select and Share
When you double-click a word or highlight a few words, small share icons are displayed. When you click an icon, a share modal will automatically launch, containing the text you selected along with a link to the post.
- Select and Share - enable/disable select and share select and share popup.
- Twitter - enable/disable Twitter icon from displaying in select and share popup.
- LinkedIn - enable/disable LinkedIn icon from displaying in select and share popup.
- Email - enable/disable email icon from displaying in select and share popup.
- Facebook - enable/disable Facebook icon from displaying in select and share popup.
- Facebook App ID - required to enable Facebook icon in select and share popup.