Sidebars Settings
- Sticky Sidebar - enable/disable sticky sidebar for all pages except pages that built by TieLabs page builder.
- Widgets Icon - show/hide widget title icon.
- Default Sidebar Position - Jannah offers four different sidebar Layouts: Sidebar Right, Sidebar Left, Fullwidth (without sidebar), One Column
- Add Custom Sidebar - (Sidebar Name) add the sidebar name in the input field and click on Add button to create new sidebar (widget area).
- Sidebars that you added, also you can delete each of them by clicking on remove icon at the right side.
- Home Sidebar - the default sidebar for the normal home page (Your latest posts front page if you won't use the TieLabs Page Builder). The select dropdown list contains all sidebars that you added before, choose one of them as a home page sidebar.
- Single Page Sidebar - the default sidebar for a single page, you can change it again for each single page from Janna - settings box at page edit screen.
- Single Article Sidebar - the default sidebar for a single article page, you can change it again for each single article page from Janna - settings box at post edit screen.
- Archives Sidebar - the default sidebar for archives pages (categories, tags, dates, author, etc..), also you can specify sidebar for each category from category edit screen.
After creating sidebars, go to Appearance > Widgets to you find it's widget areas named with the names that you entered.