Setting your Homepage

From Wordpress Customize Options

  • Go to (WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Customize). and select Static Front Page 
  1. "Your latest posts" use this option in case you want to show a list of your recent posts in a blog list view, note that you can choose many  displaying  styles of the blog list style under (WP admin > Jannah > Theme Options > Archives Settings > Default layout settings)
  2. "A static page" we recommend creating a new page called "Home" in WordPress, so you can assign this page as your static front page and you will be able to customize it using Page Builder, or choose any other page as your static front page.
  3. "Front page" when you select "A static page", the below options will appear, choose the page you want to set it as a front page from the dropdown select menu.

From the page itself

After Creating a new page, you will find a small meta-box on the bottom of the right corner, check in the radio button to set this page as the front-page for your site.

  1. Set as the site front page? check it in if you want to set this page a site front page.
  2. If any other page is a front page already, this line tells you if the site has any other page set as a front page before.